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The last update…

Hi all,
Yes, my internship is (almost) over. That’s why I’ll give you my last update and from now on I’ll leave you with Sophia and all the new interns at AutoCom in the future.

In the meantime almost all of my former roommates moved to different cities, I got to know new people and I do miss my former buddies. My former roommate Jon was the last one to leave me in Royal Oak. But it didn’t take long for us to meet up again. Directly the weekend after he left I drove to Chicago to see his new home. There we met up with another former roomie who moved to North Carolina some time ago. But since that is not enough I’ve also invited a friend from Germany. She’s in Atlanta right now for her internship and it was super easy to meet in Chicago with her, as well.
So – the Labor Day weekend was fun in Chicago. We’ve done a lot of tourist activities, drove up the Hancock Tower, went to the Navy Pier and enjoyed brilliant weather and sunshine all day long. Chicago is an amazing city. But not as cool as Detroit, of course. (Attention – ironic!)

One evening we went to a German restaurant and bar not far from Jon’s house. As soon as the owner recognized that my friend Melina and I are German he was so excited - from that point on we did not pay anything for drinks and food. I wish that would happen in Germany more often, too. (Haha :D)
My way back home from Chicago to Royal Oak was a little different than the last ones. I took the train. It is just insane what riding on a train in the USA means. They really make things more complicated than they are. You have to check in like at the airport. After that you’ll have a guided (!!) boarding process. And finally the train just drives 60 miles per hour. So no wonder why it took me more than 6 hours to come back home from Chicago to Royal Oak.
The day after Labor Day was a little intense at work. Larry flew out to Frankfurt for the IAA that evening and we had to prepare hundreds of different things for him and the dinner we and our clients hosted there.
That evening I originally wanted to relax at home. Fortunately a radio-DJ here reminded me about an event that was going on in Detroit downtown that night:
AC/DC played their concert at Ford Field!!!
So I talked to my roommates and found another AC/DC fan in our house.
Since we did not have tickets yet everything had to be a little faster than usual. I found tickets online, bought them directly and we arrived at the ford Field with our e-tickets at the time the support act was already playing.
I’m pretty sure that I don’t have to tell you that this concert was amazing. Of course we did not have the chance to be in the front rows, but our spot was still good. And I’ve seen AC/DC in the front row 2009. So now I can say I have the double experience. And I saw AC/DC in rock city!
During my last weeks here at AutoCom I am busy again. I have to design some newsletters. Our quarterly AutoCommuniqué newsletter with a special edition for AutoComs 20th anniversary has to be finished.
So all I’m doing right now is Newsletter, Newsletter, Newsletter – and writing a blog. J But it is fun, the time goes by fast and I am absolutely not bored.
Last weekend we went out in Detroit downtown. There was a festival going on and we met totally crazy people. That crazy that we climbed on a rooftop in downtown and enjoyed all the trouble from up there! The festival itself was not really what I am down for. But being up there and seeing the crowd – combined with a breathtaking view on the Detroit skyline – was something really exciting!
Now since the finish-line is in sight the feelings are mixed. On the one hand I am glad to see my girlfriend, family and friends again. I’m happy to go back to Germany and have my life back. And I’m really excited to be on air at my radio station again. But on the other hand the experience here was amazing. I had so much fun, have seen a marvelous part of our world, made new friends and will definitely miss some parts of the US lifestyle.
But there is still some time to go, I’ll have some extra time for travelling before my flight back to Germany finally departs.

Planned is of course a small good-bye party. We’ll have our traditional Korean dinner that we have every time when someone new comes to the house or one of the roommates leaves.
I’m glad to have that again and I am prepared to say goodbye to everybody, even to you guys.
Thanks for reading all my stories and have fun with Sophia!


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