All good things come to an end
…and so does my internship at
Before I started my internship I
did not know what really to expect. There are so many different stories out
there about internship experiences, from being only used to make coffee to not
being able to fulfill the expectations and being overworked.
So I was really anxious on my first day on
what I was getting myself into.
Having Nina and Jana still there
who really took the time to answer all my questions and explaining the main
business procedures to me really helped me to settle in at AutoCom.
Being an intern at AutoCom during
probably the busiest event season of the year meant that I was given a lot of
responsibility. This enabled me to learn al lot about PR in the automotive
industry and in general, dealing with clients and getting to know what is
really important in putting different events together. I was able to improve my
strengths and becoming more aware of my weaknesses. I also learned to deal with
all different types of people, and that it is very important to always keep
calm (which was and still is not one of my strengths ;)).
In terms of the work I was doing
and the responsibilities I was given, the internship at AutoCom exceeded my expectations.
Another very important part why I enjoyed my internship with AutoCom, were the
people I was working with.
Having Craig as a supervisor who
was always helpful, encouraging and had advice to give even outside of work related
issues was one of the perks of being a part of AutoCom.
Also his knowledge of everything that is going
on in Michigan was a plus. The weekly lunch with Jack was always enjoyable and
it was very helpful to have Jack sharing his ‘impressive’ experience and
knowledge about PR with us, to listen to his stories or discuss recent PR
topics and practices with him. I also want to thank Denise for being the intern
mom and helping me out at any time. And of course Austin was the best and most
fun ‘co-worker’.
Finally I want to thank Larry for
handing over so much responsibility to me and trusting me and my work, and
giving me the opportunity to be a part of so many interesting events.
Overall this internship reassured
me that this is what I want to do in the future.
I feel prepared for whatever is out there
waiting for me in my future career and confident that I will survive in the
business world.
Hopefully this is not a goodbye but
a see you later!