Hello Everybody, My name is Lisa and I am the second new intern at AutoCom for the upcoming six months.On Monday, October 3 rd , I had my first working day here at AutoCom. However, I arrived one and a half weeks before to have some time to settle in and to arrange important organizational things such as comparing different car insurance options, opening a bank account or getting an American phone number. Like many other interns, I live in a shared house in Royal Oak for the time of my internship. Road trip to Lake Michigan Originally, I am from a pretty small village a couple of minutes away from Leipzig in Eastern Germany. Shortly before I came to Michigan, I finished my bachelor’s degree in International Management at the University of Applied Sciences in Leipzig. It is my first time in the United States and I am excited about the next few months here in Detroit, especially in regard to holiday festivities like Thanksgiving and Christmas, sport activities like footbal...
This blog is a communications platform for all former, current and future AutoCom interns to share their thoughts and experiences before, during and after their internship. AutoCom is a public relations firm based in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. The agency provides public relations counsel to businesses in the global automotive industry.