Hi all,
My last blog post was a while ago, so here is the next
During the last weeks Michigan transformed from a brown and
dirty landscape to green. Spring is here! If spring is the right word, perhaps
I should say summer – we had some really hot and summery days.
Korean food - yummi |
Since my last blog entry a lot of things happened. In the
meantime I’ve moved to another house. Now I live in walking distance to Royal Oak
downtown, in the same house where Martin used to live.
The roommates there have changed in the last weeks – the day
I moved in we had a farewell dinner at a Korean restaurant for another former
roommate named Dave.
Perhaps you can guess from the picture what kind of experience
that was. We did the same this week again because the food is really good!
The time at work goes by really fast. We are very busy at
the moment with organizing the summer events and many releases.
Merle, my colleague at work took Martin (the former intern) and me to downtown Detroit two weeks ago. This was the hottest day so far
since I arrived in Michigan! Everybody in Germany told me – wooouu Detroit is
such a nasty city.
Detroit downtown |
But that’s not true! Downtown Detroit is amazing! We’ve seen
the Detroit duke next to the river and Renaissance Center.
We walked along the riverside and through downtown to Commercia Park – the Tigers baseball Stadium – and had a really good time. Even
if there are many buildings and skyscrapers that are not occupied at the moment,
downtown is really nice! I’ll go back several times, for sure!
Detroit downtown with Merle & Martin |
During the week I had a experience that I’ve never had
before. Martin, Merle, Denise and I were invited to Larry’s house. He through a Cinco De Mayo party with some of his friends. Unfortunately it was a Tuesday.
But never mind, we had some tequila and margarithas and good food. (Thank you
Larry & Kathy!) The following Wednesday in the office was a little hard –
but I’m young and resistant!
The Nashville crew |
And then – finally the last weekend: Some friends of mine
and I did a roadtrip to Tennessee (!)
We went there just from Friday afternoon till Sunday night,
spent probably more time in the car than in Tennessee – but it was worth it!
We visited the Jack Daniel’s distillery in Lynchburg, TN, had
a short but great whiskey tasting there and went to Naishville.
Jack Daniel's distillery |
For me as a musician Nashville was a really great
experience. The city is amazing! Even if you don’t like country music you’ve
got to
go there!
Nashville has everything you need for having fun: Very great musicians, singers, fun atmosphere,
open air rooftop bars and great weather!
Nashville @night |
After exploring the Nashville nightlife we went to the
Country Music hall of Fame on Sunday. Everybody told me to go there. It’s like
a big Hardrock Café without the café. They have hundreds of instruments,
clothes, documents and notes from celebrities. Even a car that Elvis drove is
in there! That’s a really huge white Cadillac with a television and a phone on
the backseat. Elvis knew even to that time what is really fancy :D
bye bye Martin |
Back in Michigan we recognized that the winter is finally
gone. Now every tree that has been brown till last week is green, everybody cuts
their lawn in their backyards and the first convertibles are on the street.
This were also the last impressions that Martin had from
Michigan. His time here is over, I drove him to the airport yesterday.
Since then we got a new flatmate in our house – he now lives in Martins room. A
French guy working for a consulting company here.
Now I’ve got one weekend here in Royal Oak and then the next
big trip is on my schedule: NEW YORK is calling. I’ll meet some old friends
from Germany there, have a good time and take some nice pictures that I can
present to you in the next blog post. It won’t be boring!
I’ll keep you updated =)