Due to the fast-moving business these days, it is not so much a question for companies WHETHER to use Social Media, but HOW to use it. At first glance, communicating via Social Media channels might appear like a dream come true to businesses: there is no faster, more cost-effective way to reach people all over the world at the same time. Just as KONY 2012 recently showed, word-of-mouth and viral effects make it possible to rise awareness by almost 100 percent within a short period of time.
However, companies have to be aware of potential challenges in order to achieve similar effects; it might be becoming more popular or increasing customer loyalty and identification.
When communicating through Social Media, the first hurdle you have to jump is to make the customer actually read your updates and feeds. Therefore you should create some entertaining, catchy lines using no more than 140 characters in order to keep it short and simple. At the same time you have to make sure this brief message does not cause misinterpretations and still contains all relevant information.
When setting up the message, take the desired outcome into account. Many companies are so busy spreading their news that they slip into one-way communication and forget that the real benefit of Social Media is getting an insight into the customers’ minds. This requires both-sided communication and a willingness to take criticism. Critical remarks left on walls should not be deleted or left unanswered in any case but be treated with special accuracy. Not only that, those critical information have to be passed on to the responsible department in order to make changes for the better possible.
If companies are aware of these basics, they will be able to improve their products and services, which is the basis for creating competitive advantages.