Hello everyone! My name in Julia Galan and I am serving an internship as an account assistant with AutoCom Associates for the next year. Michigan is much different from Leon, in the north of Spain where I am from. Although I am still a student, I have earned a bachelor’s degree in Advertising and Public Relations from the University of Valladolid, Spain and a master’s degree in degree in Protocol Management, production organization and design of events from Camilo Jose Cela University, Spain , so I feel somewhat prepared for the work I’ll do over the next 12 months. One of the reasons I chose an internship in the U.S. is because I felt it would be a great personal and professional experience. Today, 21 st of February, is my first day in AutoCom. However, I arrived two days ago to have time to settle in and organization my home and stuff. As many interns, I share a house in Royal Oak for the term of my internship. I can’t say much yet of my days here, because ...
This blog is a communications platform for all former, current and future AutoCom interns to share their thoughts and experiences before, during and after their internship. AutoCom is a public relations firm based in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. The agency provides public relations counsel to businesses in the global automotive industry.