Hi everyone, My name is Kim, I am the new intern at AutoCom Associates. Currently I am pursuing a bachelor’s degree in International Business at the University of Aalen in Germany. As part of my studies I am doing a six months internship here at AutoCom in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. I arrived in mid August at Detroit Metropolitan Airport where Marie, one of the current interns, picked me up and drove me to my new home in Royal Oak. I am living there in a shared house with four other housemates, one of whom is Florian another current intern at AutoCom. I am glad that I get to work with him and Marie for two weeks before their term ends and they take off for their vacation. Ever since I arrived I have had some organizational things to get done, as in buying a car and opening a bank account. However, I have done some fun stuff as well. On my first weekend, I went with my housemates and their friends, who are also German interns, to an outlet mall in Troy, Michigan and last ...
This blog is a communications platform for all former, current and future AutoCom interns to share their thoughts and experiences before, during and after their internship. AutoCom is a public relations firm based in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. The agency provides public relations counsel to businesses in the global automotive industry.