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Showing posts from October, 2007

I left on a jet plane

I can not believe it, but I am back in Germany. I am living with a friend in Düsseldorf and finish my school next year. It's still really strange to be back in Germany. I have to learn again that my credit card doesn't work most of the times, I can not go shopping on sunday, I have no car (only trains and subways, which are never in time) and I lost my cute accent :-) Anyway... I know you, or better yet "the ladies" are waiting for my final blog post! Enjoy my little review! Things I will miss: Turning right even when the traffic light is showing red Free drink refill in every restaurant Panera Brad - Broccoli Cheddar Soup The gas prices (okay... I do not even have a car in Germany) Brownies (That's a hint, Andi. I heard the mail can be really fast :-)) Jamba Juice Using my credit card when I buy chewing gum... Things I wont miss: Repeating my name all the time ( Maaaaa - reeeeeei - keeee, no... not Maleika, Marky and not Mareiky Construction on Woodward Air condi...