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Showing posts from July, 2007

"Austria" joins AutoCom

Hi, My name is Christina and I represent the other part of Europe’s German speaking countries. I’m from Austria, more precisely Lower Austria, about 60 miles east of Vienna. At home I have worked in our family business, which is a dealership for cars and motorbikes and a garage. I finished my studies of Business Administration three years before. Why did I decide to go to U.S.? There are many reasons. First of all it was always my wish to go abroad and to work in another country to gain new experiences. I had never considered studying abroad for a complete semester. I wanted to finish my studies as soon as possible because I attended University after 4 years of working at home. Another reason is that I wanted to escape the family business for some time ;-) And last but not least of course to improve my English. It’s unbelievable that it’s already my third week at AutoCom. So it’s time to tell you about my first weeks in Detroit. Nicky – she is really as good as gold – picked me up from...

Tara, Earl of Drunwitch

The common stereotypes against British people are: - they always drink tea & eat Fish&Chips - on vacations they always get sunburned, because the sun never shines in England - their humor is dry and sometimes a little bit strange. After a few weeks with our intern Graham from Swansea I don't agree with any of these stereotypes. I now believe that British people always drink energy drinks with strange pictures on it, they can never get sunburned because they are always wearing nice "whistles" and big American hats and their humor is everything but strange... To be honest... German humor, which means Nicky's and my humor ("The funny German girls" ©) is nearly the same...! To score some brownie points at the beginning of his time at AutoCom he brought the new Aquada to the office. And who wants David Hasselhoff and K.I.T.T. when you can have the Earl of Drunwitch and the Aquada? A nice sport car and you only have to push one button and it will be bo...
Hi everybody, Unbelievable how fast time passes by: this year it is 6 years ago that I have been working as an intern at AutoCom. It has been a great experience and was the start of my professional development in the Automotive Industry. After I finished my studies in Passau, Germany, I started working in Barcelona, Spain, for SEAT. I did the Traineeprogramm at the Communications Department and afterwards worked in International Product Communications. I had a wonderful time in Spain, learned a lot and made some valuable experiences that I will never forget. "Spain is different" and so it is to work over there. I discovered my "german side" and decided that I needed to go back to my country in order to grow further. And there was also another reason for me wanting to get back to Germany: my boyfriend Matthias who I met in Spain and who lived and worked in Nuremberg. After 3 years in Spain and almost 2.5 years of a long distance relationship, I finally got back to Ge...